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Wastewater Treatment as CSR

Corporate Social Responsibility is a program where companies showcase their commitment to improving the quality of society. It ensures that they are socially accountable to themselves, their stakeholders, and the society. CSR is a broad concept that takes many forms, but primarily ensures that a company contributes positively to the society while also boosting their brand.

There are various options for Corporate Social Responsibility. Environmental responsibility, human rights, health promotion, educational development, disaster relief. Just to name a few. However, environmental responsibility is the pillar. It is rooted in preserving nature.

Environmental responsibility ensures that the company leaves behind an environment with better resources than before its operations. Some of the responsibilities are:

  • Reducing pollution and Emissions
  • Recycling goods and materials
  • Promoting Re-Use practices
  • Replenishing natural resources and neutralising the company’s impact

Why not wastewater treatment and reuse as well?

With water scarcity being a critically growing issue, companies can show their commitment by implementing improved and innovative wastewater treatment, and sanitation.

36% of the world’s population lives in water scarce areas. Only 2.5% of Earth’s water is Fresh Water. Water prices are constantly rising. 80% of wastewater is not adequately treated.

Wastewater is such a highly undervalued resource. With proper wastewater treatment, the pressure of water scarcity and water supply can be eased. While yes, there is the issue of the”yuck factor”, implementing advanced and trustworthy technology can help us get past it.

The traditional centralised treatment system is the prominent treatment method in India. However, it is not completely efficient in treating wastewater, especially for reuse. Small scale treatment systems ensure that failure in one does not collapse the whole system. By recycling and reclaiming, we can make water an endless renewable resource.

Cooling plants, irrigation and toilets are just some non-potable uses for reclaimed water. Easily supporting a company’s need for water, and reducing the dependency on purchased water marginally.

Do your part in environmental healing. Practice wastewater treatment as a CSR.

To know more about simple and efficient wastewater treatment, contact us!

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